You know, its true what they say: The closer you try to get to know God, the more you'll be faced with distractions, temptations and trials from the evil one. Of course, I knew this was going to happen, coming so close to giving in to temptation. Images of me relaxing at home, watching tv, surfing the net, catching a sweet nap etc started playing in my head. Now, on a Friday night after a long day at work, all that sounded pretty good.
1st Example: I was at the bus stop waiting for feeder bus A to go home when the feeder bus B (that goes to church) came by. Should I go? Should I not? go? no? go? no? I decided ok not, I'm going to wait for my feeder bus A, I think I'll go home. Within seconds after the first bus B left, a second bus B came. I was again thrown into the mode of should I or not with myself. Bus A came and I boarded it to go home. As the bus was moving along, I just closed my eyes and thought it through. Ok, I'm tired but I made a decision few weeks ago that I will go for this. I am committed to this. I will go home, change to comfortable clothes, have a quick snack then cab to church, more than enough time for all of that. And that I did :) I made it to the course that night. Praise God!
2nd Example: The date of the Holy Spirit full-day retreat was made known to us today and it falls right on the same day as the cousins gathering I was insanely looking forward to. Bummer.
What I learnt tonight: Sometimes the good stuff don't come easy or as and when you like it, but you just got to trust that something great is waiting for you and so no matter what, just have to push yourself inspite of how you "tired" or "lazy" you feel. I'm glad I did go in the end.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." - 2 Corinthians 5:17