Sunday, December 5, 2010
Love Conquors All
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A First of its Kind
It started off wonderfully with breakfast and lots of good cheer from all and wonderful "Did you know...." stories from John!

It was a simple retreat yet powerful in God's ways. Its hard sometimes for us to realise how much this was needed or its importance for us to bond in a Ministry and to pray together. I really had a great time and I pray that the Lord will continue to guide each one of us in this Ministry all set and ready for Advent and the new year 2011.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
this sunday morning
I slept well and was dreaming when I heard my name being called. Twice. By a man who was not in sight but he called my name twice. It sounded so real and clear that I woke up to look at my cousin sleeping to see if she was messing ard. She was sound asleep. I looked at the time and it was really time to wake up for mass.
Still feeling puzzled, I got up and could not stop thinking abt the voice who called me. I am not sure exactly what it was or just a dream but the story of Samuel from the bible did cross my mind.
May the Lord lead me in all I do. Amen!
Friday, October 15, 2010
My Alpha Challenge
You know, its true what they say: The closer you try to get to know God, the more you'll be faced with distractions, temptations and trials from the evil one. Of course, I knew this was going to happen, coming so close to giving in to temptation. Images of me relaxing at home, watching tv, surfing the net, catching a sweet nap etc started playing in my head. Now, on a Friday night after a long day at work, all that sounded pretty good.
1st Example: I was at the bus stop waiting for feeder bus A to go home when the feeder bus B (that goes to church) came by. Should I go? Should I not? go? no? go? no? I decided ok not, I'm going to wait for my feeder bus A, I think I'll go home. Within seconds after the first bus B left, a second bus B came. I was again thrown into the mode of should I or not with myself. Bus A came and I boarded it to go home. As the bus was moving along, I just closed my eyes and thought it through. Ok, I'm tired but I made a decision few weeks ago that I will go for this. I am committed to this. I will go home, change to comfortable clothes, have a quick snack then cab to church, more than enough time for all of that. And that I did :) I made it to the course that night. Praise God!
2nd Example: The date of the Holy Spirit full-day retreat was made known to us today and it falls right on the same day as the cousins gathering I was insanely looking forward to. Bummer.
What I learnt tonight: Sometimes the good stuff don't come easy or as and when you like it, but you just got to trust that something great is waiting for you and so no matter what, just have to push yourself inspite of how you "tired" or "lazy" you feel. I'm glad I did go in the end.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." - 2 Corinthians 5:17
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The Good News
Well, guess what? I got the job and start in 2 weeks time :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Something strange happened last night
That night, I turned the lights off for bed and instantly I knew something wasn't quite right. Something or 'someone' was in my room and my heart was gripped with fear. I tried closing my eyes and praying hard but it was too scary that I had to quickly grapple in the dark for my glasses and turn the lights back on. I held my rosary tight and opened the bible to Psalm 91. I read it out and prayed for the Lord's protection and for him to please please cover me with his precious blood. After that, just like that, the fear disappeared. Of course being the coward that I am (still, hehe), I tried sleeping with the lights on, but it was just annoying. So I turned it off and drifted soundly into la la land.
p.s: Always refer to Psalm 91 when faced with danger or fear of any kind. This prayer was taught to me by my father during a difficult moment in my life, many years ago. The Lord has never failed me. He is always there for us, keep trusting in Him!
9 months in the 'new' job
This move actually brought about peace and no mixed feelings (as with the resignation of the prev job a year ago). Actually this whole experience made me realise that no amount of tangible perks (expensive meal treats, high-flying events, freebies, fantastic staff benefits etc) in a branded university can be compared to sheer job satisfaction and the other many intangibles that I've experienced before in a social service sector.
I'm not sure what the future holds for me now but I can only ask the Lord to continue to guide me in this journey. Sometimes I think He placed me in this 'new' job as a place for me to realise which industry/sector I belong to as well as a refuge place to restore my spirit and regain my strength. Well, the 'new' job has served me well and I hope I have done the same :)
"Lord, please guide me in this search for the job that you would want me to be in. I trust in You O Lord to place me in a role that can best make use of the gifts and talents that you have given me. I make this prayer through Jesus my Lord. Amen."